An intro to Functional Fitness

It’s functional fitness awareness month!! Let me give you a little insight on what function fitness is and what it can do for you. Functional fitness is a type of exercise that works on improving your body's ability to perform everyday activities, like lifting objects, climbing stairs, to carrying groceries, etc. It emphasizes movements that mimic these activities, and usually involves compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once. 

The goal of functional fitness is to increase strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance, which can help people maintain their independence and improve their quality of life as they age. Functional fitness is used as a form of training for athletes and for individuals seeking to improve their overall fitness and health. Examples of functional fitness exercises would include squats, lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, and pull-ups. 

In my experience with clients, I find that the 3 movements that can be particularly effective are farmer’s walks, step ups and planks.  Let’s learn more about these three movements:


Farmer's walk: The farmer's walk involves carrying a heavy weight, using dumbbells or kettlebells, in each hand or a single hand while walking for a certain distance or time. This exercise strengthens the grip, forearms, core strength as well as postural muscles. It can help with carrying heavy loads in daily life like groceries, luggage, or other objects. 

Progression: grab heavier weights over time, front rack or overhead carry, two weights with offset placements (one at your side and one in a biceps curl hold) 

Regression: use lighter weights

Step-ups: Step-ups involve stepping up onto a platform or bench with one foot, then stepping back down and repeating with the other foot. This exercise improves balance, coordination, and lower body strength which can help with activities like climbing stairs, getting in and out of a car or walking up an incline. 

Progression: add weights, use a higher step, step laterally 

Regression: start with toe taps on a step  

Plank: The plank is a core exercise that involves holding a position similar to the top of a push-up for a certain amount of time. It strengthens the entire core, including the abs, back, and hips. This can help with maintaining good posture, avoiding lower back pain, and performing activities that require core stability, such as lifting and carrying heavy objects. 

Progression: add some weight on your back, increase the time, hold up one foot 

Regression: knee planks  

Functional fitness can have many positive effects on people's lives. It can improve overall health and fitness, prevent injuries, and help people maintain their independence and quality of life. By focusing on movements that mimic everyday activities, functional fitness can help people perform these activities more easily and with less risk of injury. 

A personal trainer can be a valuable resource in the process of developing a functional fitness program. A trainer can assess an individual's current fitness level, identify areas that need improvement, and create a customized workout plan that addresses those areas. They can also provide guidance on proper form and technique to help prevent injury and maximize the effectiveness of each exercise. Additionally, a trainer can provide motivation and accountability, which can be important factors in achieving fitness goals. 

Overall, functional fitness can have significant positive effects on people's lives, and a personal trainer can be a valuable resource in helping individuals develop a safe and effective workout plan to achieve their fitness goals. 

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