Get your local food HERE!

Bring Central Wisconsin goodness home with you! Gear up for the next growing season by signing up for a CSA with Lonely Oak Farm! 212 Fitness is a drop site for the CSA, this means the box is packed at the farm and brought here for pick up. Easy!

What’s a CSA? The acronym stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Local farmers are growing food and this program gives us the chance to get our hands on it before it goes to market. You sign up for a ‘share’ of the CSA and collect a portion of produce from the farmer. This helps keep your produce cost lower, on average as well as your carbon footprint as the produce is grown just down the road!

Lonely Oak Farm has been doing CSA shares for sometime and Joel is also active at the summer and winter farmers markets. He also provides produce and meat for some of your favorite local restaurants like Ruby Coffee!

Details and sign up can be found via the button below.